Demystifying the Odds: How Often Do Contingent Offers Fall Through?

How Often Do Contingent Offers Fall Through

Navigating the real estate market can be a whirlwind of emotions, especially when it comes to offers. As a buyer, you might be eager to secure your dream home, but the presence of “contingent” in the offer stage can add a layer of uncertainty. You might wonder: how often do contingent offers actually fall through?

Understanding Contingent Offers

Before diving into the statistics, let’s establish a clear understanding of contingent offers. Simply put, a contingent offer is a proposal to purchase a property that hinges on specific conditions being met. These conditions, known as contingencies, typically involve:

  • Financing: The buyer’s ability to secure a mortgage within a set timeframe.
  • Home inspection: The buyer’s right to walk away if the inspection reveals significant, unforeseen issues.
  • Appraisal: Ensuring the property value aligns with the agreed-upon purchase price, as lenders won’t finance a property valued lower than the loan amount.
  • Sale of current home: Contingent upon the buyer successfully selling their existing residence before closing on the new one.

The Odds of Failure

Now, to the question that likely brought you here: what are the chances of a contingent offer falling through? While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, statistics provide valuable insights.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), in the period of June, July, and August 2022, only 5% of home sale contracts with contingencies were terminated. This means that 95% of contingent offers successfully navigated the conditions and reached closing.

However, it’s crucial to remember that these are national figures, and real estate markets can vary significantly by location. Local market trends, including inventory levels, interest rates, and buyer competition, can influence the likelihood of a contingent offer falling through.

Factors Influencing Outcome

While the overall success rate is reassuring, understanding the common reasons for contingent offer failures can be beneficial:

  • Financing Issues: Inability to secure financing due to insufficient credit score, income, or down payment requirements.
  • Unsatisfactory Inspection: The inspection uncovering major structural issues, hidden damage, or environmental concerns leading the buyer to back out.
  • Appraisal Gap: The appraisal valuing the property below the offer price, creating a disagreement between buyer and seller on price adjustments or closing costs.
  • Market Shift: Sudden changes in market conditions, like a decrease in buyer demand, might prompt the seller to consider other offers or relist the property.

Tips for a Smooth Transaction

As a buyer or seller navigating the contingent offer process, here are some proactive steps to increase your chances of a successful outcome:

  • For Buyers:
    • Work with a qualified real estate agent: Their expertise can guide you in crafting realistic offers with appropriate contingencies and timelines.
    • Get pre-approved for a mortgage: This demonstrates your financial credibility and streamlines the financing process.
    • Choose a reputable inspector: A thorough inspection can uncover potential issues upfront and avoid surprises later.
    • Maintain open communication: Keep your agent and the seller informed throughout the process to address any concerns promptly.
  • For Sellers:
    • Consider the strength of the offer: Evaluate the buyer’s financing pre-approval, contingencies, and overall profile to assess the offer’s viability.
    • Negotiate contingencies: Work with your agent to establish reasonable timelines and terms for each contingency.
    • Have realistic expectations: Be prepared for potential delays or challenges while remaining flexible in negotiations.


While contingent offers carry a slightly higher risk of falling through compared to non-contingent offers, the vast majority (95%) successfully reach closing. By understanding the factors influencing outcomes and taking proactive steps, both buyers and sellers can navigate the contingent offer process with greater confidence and minimize the chances of encountering roadblocks. Remember, consulting with a qualified real estate professional can be invaluable in ensuring a smooth and successful transaction.

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