Where to Store Your Ironing Board?

Where to Store Your Ironing Board?

Ironing is a task that many individuals see as both vital and monotonous. It requires the right equipment, including an ironing board, a fundamental thing for achieving wrinkle-free clothing. However, putting away this massive piece of equipment can be a test, particularly in smaller living spaces. This article investigates inventive and reasonable solutions for putting away your ironing board and assisting you with keeping a coordinated home without forfeiting accommodation.

Maximize Closet Space

Maximize Closet Space
image source:- https://tinyurl.com/26jchw2d

One of the most widely recognized spots to store an ironing board is in a closet. Closets are frequently underutilized spaces that can undoubtedly oblige an ironing board with a touch of reorganization. You can put the ironing board behind a line of hanging garments or on the floor at the rear of the closet. To keep it from falling over, use hooks or brackets to tie it down to the wall. Another smart solution is a closet door ironing board holder. This extra permits you to hang your ironing board within your closet door, freeing up floor space and keeping it carefully hidden. This strategy is particularly useful for people who have limited storage space yet at the same time need simple admittance to their ironing board.

Utilize Wall Space

Utilize Wall Space
image source:- https://tinyurl.com/bdfafpvd

Wall-mounted ironing boards are a magnificent decision for the people who need to save floor space. These boards crease in a tough spot when not being used, making them a proficient storage solution. Wall-mounted units frequently accompany an underlying cabinet, giving extra storage to ironing supplies like the ironing board cover, splash containers, and starch. On the off chance that you incline toward a more adaptable choice, consider installing a bunch of hooks or a dedicated ironing board holder on the wall. This permits you to hang the board upward or evenly, contingent upon your space and preference. Make a point to put it in a location that is not difficult to reach, like close to your laundry region or in a utility room.

Behind the Door Storage

Behind the Door Storage
image source:- https://tinyurl.com/3ps45fx5

Putting away your ironing board behind a door is another space-saving idea. Uncommonly planned over-the-door hooks can hold the board safely without harming the door. This strategy keeps the board carefully concealed and frees up significant floor space. To additionally maximize productivity, pick a snare that likewise incorporates storage for your iron and other ironing accessories. Along these lines, all that you want is in one spot, making your ironing routine more smoothed out and less time-consuming.

Under the Bed Storage

Under the Bed Storage
image source:- https://tinyurl.com/yc8zw3pe

For those living in tiny spaces, putting away an ironing board under the bed can be a commonsense solution. Thin ironing boards or folding boards can undoubtedly slide under most beds. This strategy keeps the board all the way far away when not being used, while being effectively open when required. While choosing an ironing board for under-bed storage, search for a model that is lightweight and simple to move. Folding boards or those with collapsible legs are ideal for this kind of storage.

Use Furniture with Hidden Storage

Use Furniture with Hidden Storage
image source:- https://tinyurl.com/3c6pdcvd

Numerous advanced furniture pieces accompany work in storage, which can be ideally suited for concealing an ironing board. Ottomans, benches, and, surprisingly, some bed outlines offer hidden compartments that can store an ironing board alongside different things. Assuming that you are on the lookout for new furniture, think about pieces that fill a double need. A storage seat in the passage or a bedroom footrest can give a stylish solution to your ironing board storage situation.

Dedicated Laundry Room Solutions

Dedicated Laundry Room Solutions
image source:- https://tinyurl.com/mtkkfmwc

Assuming you have a laundry room that is explicitly assigned for that reason, it could be simpler for you to deal with your ironing board. There are various laundry rooms that come outfitted with cabinets and racks that an individual can use to store an ironing board. You can present a wrinkle out ironing board inside a cabinet for straightforward access and quick storage. For those with more space, a laundry cart with an implicit ironing board can be a superb investment. These carts give storage to laundry supplies and a helpful surface for ironing, making your laundry routine more proficient.

Compact and Portable Ironing Boards

Compact and Portable Ironing Boards
image source:- https://tinyurl.com/mw78fcrj

Sometimes the best storage solution is choosing a more compact ironing board. Portable and tabletop ironing boards are ideal for those with extremely limited space. These smaller boards can be handily stored in a drawer, on a rack, or even in a huge cabinet.

While they may not give a similar surface region as a standard ironing board, portable boards are ideal for quick touch-ups and little ironing tasks. They can likewise be an incredible valuable board for the individuals who as of now have a bigger one stored elsewhere.

Choosing the Best Ironing Board

Choosing the right ironing board can make storage more straightforward. While looking for an ironing board, consider factors like size, weight, and simplicity of storage. Search for boards that are lightweight however durable, and those that overlay down to a compact size.

A few famous choices incorporate the Target ironing board, known for its toughness and convenience. Numerous users likewise suggest the best ironing board choices with movable heights and foldable designs that improve on storage.

How to Close an Ironing Board Properly

Properly shutting your ironing board is significant for protected and proficient storage. Begin by bringing down the height adjustment lever, assuming your board has one, to implode the legs. Then, overlay the board down the middle, in the event that it is a foldable model. Guarantee the legs are locked safely and set up to keep the board from accidentally opening.

For wall-mounted or worked-in boards, adhere to the maker’s guidelines to overlap and get the board against the wall or inside the cabinet. Properly closed and secured, your ironing board will occupy less room and be more secure to store.


Putting away an ironing board doesn’t need to be a bulky errand. With just enough imagination and the right instruments, you can track down a storage solution that accommodates your space and way of life. Whether you utilize closet space, wall mounts, behind-the-door hooks, or under-bed storage, keeping your ironing board perfectly stored will assist with keeping a coordinated and effective home.

Ironing is a task that many individuals see as both vital and monotonous. It requires the right equipment, including an ironing board, a fundamental thing for achieving wrinkle-free clothing. However, putting away this massive piece of equipment can be a test, particularly in smaller living spaces. This article investigates inventive and reasonable solutions for putting away your ironing board and assisting you with keeping a coordinated home without forfeiting accommodation.

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Feature image source:- https://tinyurl.com/2hyzpsfh

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